Enrolment -

  • Please fill in as much of the form as you can.
  • Red star questions are required - you may respond with 'NA' or 'None' as appropriate.
  • For students starting in 2024 please put the start date as 1 Feb 2024.
Enrolment Information
The student's academic year level at entry
Student Details

Under the field 'Previous School' please enter the student's current school.

First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Please enter the student's legal name as it appears on their Birth Certificate.
First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Select gender
The name of the school currently being attended
Residence A / Primary Contact Details*

Please type your primary residence addresss in the above address search
Street number and name
Rural Delivery
Post Code

Residence A - Caregiver 1

e.g. dsmith@gmail.com
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wellington High School
Relationship to the student

Residence A - Caregiver 2

e.g. bsmith@gmail.com
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wellington High School
Relationship to the student
Please tick if the student resides at another address at times
Health Details

Please tell us about any health issues, including social or emotional issues that we should be aware of.

Is there any medication to be left at school?

List any medical problems including hearing, allergies and diagnosed conditions
List any additional learning support, needs or requirements this student may have
Emergency Contact

Please identify up to two adults the school could contact in the event of an emergency.

This should be someone other than the caregivers above and should not live at the same address as the student. 

The School will attempt to contact the primary caregivers first, but in the event of an emergency, where the school is unable to reach the primary or secondary caregiver(s), who else might the school contact e.g. Grandparent?

Emergency Contact 1
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Wellington High School
e.g. Grandmother
Emergency Contact 2
e.g. 04 123 4567
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. Grandfather
Special Interests

Tell us a bit about yourself! What do you enjoy doing, what are you proud of.


Please name attachments with student's name and what the document is
e.g. JoanSmith_BirthCertificate.pdf

For all applications please attach the following

  1. Copy of Birth Certificate or Passport (Full).
  2. Last school report
  3. Completed Student Reflection Sheet
  4. Proof of address - either a power bill or tenancy agreement (no more than 3 months old).

                With student address and parent/guardian name as the account holder.

Please attach any other documents relevant to your application e.g Evidence of guardianship, Residency visa, Custody orders, Educational needs assessments

Select only Images, PDFs or Word Documents.
Maximum file size: 8MB's
School Questions

If you live in the Wellington High School zone your student is guaranteed a place at Wellington High. Please complete the rest of these questions as they provide valuable background information regarding your enrolment.

If you live out of the Wellington High School zone please note the following about out of zone enrolments.

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
Priorities for selecting out of zone students
  • First priority is given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school.
  • Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
  • Third priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
  • Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are children of former students.
  • Fifth priority will be given to applicants who are either children of board employees or children of board members.
  • Sixth priority will be given to all other applicants
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989.
