Notices -

Thursday 16th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
General Year 13 English Scholarship M210 Tue 14 May 1.20 STW
  Kia ora koutou

Year 13 English scholarship lunchtime workshops will be held in M210 on TUESDAY lunchtimes.

Notices Staff
General EPro8 to start! VNN
  EPro8 club will start on Monday the 20th in E102.

General Year 11 Tramp PAB
  Quick meeting for students interested in an overnight tramp. We have booked all of Totara Hut and will go in via Waiohine Gorge. Meeting is on Monday in M310 at the start of lunch.

Lost & Found Lost and Found NSF
  There is an increasing number of hoodies, sweaters, jackets, keys and incidentals at Student Services.  Please remind your student to check this resource if they have lost anything. Unfortunately we do not have the space to store items for the entire year, as such any unclaimed items at the end of each term will be donated to charity. Thanks

Sport Gym workout for Seniors TRA
  If you are interested in lifting weights or want to get into lifting weights and are a senior. Come to the weights room (G2) Tuesday after school 3.30pm - 4.30pm starting next week 21st.

Students Pink Shirt Day 2024 SLM
  Kia ora!

Thursday 16th is Pink Shirt Day (not Friday as we finish at noon) and we will be doing activities all week to promote anti bullying.
TODAY: Games! Meet outside the P.E department at lunch to play some sporty games.
Thursday: Dress to impress! Come to school dressed in your most pink outfit and the best dressed will get a prize.
We will also collect donations on Thursday ropu. All donations go towards Mental Health Foundation so please donate!!”