Notices -

Thursday 30th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
General Blank Canvas Call for Entries JOR
  Blank Canvas: call for entries

Calling all Wellington High School students and staff! Showcase your creativity in The Blank Canvas Exhibition. Bring your artwork to the art department by Week 9, Thursday June 27, for the exhibition, which will run at the end of the term! All submitted artworks will be exhibited! Express yourself through painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry, or any medium. Find the entry form on the notices or scan QR codes on posters. Don't miss the chance to share your talent and be part of this celebration of art and imagination! Come talk to an art teacher if you have any questions.

Register your artwork here:

General Magic the Gathering BWJ
Magic The Gathering (Or MTG) is a trading card game. If you are interested to try or already know how to play, come to the library on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime. There are decks and playmats to borrow from the library desk if you don't have any.

General Quiet during Co-requisite Exams RSR
  Today is the last day of Co-requisite exams. Please move around the school quietly today and do not sit outside the Riley centre. Seniors are sitting the Reading exam in the morning and juniors in the afternoon. They will appreciate your consideration.

Sport Senior gym sessions TRA
  Seniors wanting to use the weights room (G2).

Every Tuesday after school 3.30pm-4.30pm it will be open for you to use.

Students Rollin' Youth Disco ALJ
  Friday 7 June 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Call all secondary school students! Bring yr friends and your best dance moves along to our disco night.
Enjoy yr favourite music played by a DJ. A set of wheels are optional!
Ages 13 to 18 years old
Tickets $5 Skate hire $4.20
Kilbirnie Recreation Centre

Students Senior Ball - Ticket Price update FHI
  Year 12/13 students, Reminder that in order to be approved to buy a ball ticket you MUST have filled out the form that came out last week, this is the official form. Thanks Y13 Deans.
Tickets will be $85, but they are not on sale yet, please fill out the form, so we can approve you :)