Notices -

Monday 5th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Sport Year 10 Herengatahi Sports Tindill Gym Tue 6 Aug Lunch SNJ
  Year 10 Herengatahi Sports starts up Tuesday 6th August! This will be running every Tuesday lunchtime from weeks 3-9. Each week will be a different sport for you and your herengatahi to prove you're the best. Week 3's sport is Volleyball. Get a group of friends and get down to the Tindill Gym, all supporters also welcome!

Students Old School Runescape Club M207 Mon 5 Aug 1:20pm KNM
  Are you a fan of DnD? Then you might like Old School Runescape, one of the world's first MMO's. Play with your friends on different servers as you do various quests and slay various foes. The graphics aren't the best, but the journey is worth it.

Some Notes if you Want to Join:
-It's recommended that you play OSRS on the Runelite program, which will be sorted out at the club.
-The main servers are 301 and 430, but feel free to choose your own if you want.

This club is in M207 on Monday Lunchtimes.

Notices Staff
General Alpine trip to Ruapehu PAB
  Students who are experienced with crampons and ice axes should come to this meeting in M308 on Wed at 1.25pm

General Duke of Ed Award PAB
  Quick meeting of all students doing this award today (Tuesday) in M308 at 1.25pm . Opportunity to hear from someone who has a something to offer.

General In 10MDM last term? HLE
  If you were in MDM last term, please come along at the start of lunch Monday or tuesday to grab your model to take home.

General No Senior gym session this Tuesday TRA
  Sorry there will be no senior gym workout Tuesday after school this week. See you next week

General Wellington City Mission Support BLN
  Kia Ora,

Are you interested in helping a group of students from a Y12 Health class? All you need to do is bring in one or some of the following items, and drop them off at our drop off spots: the break room in R1, the international department, or by the library desk!

We’re collecting items for the Wellington City Mission Social Supermarket, who have requested sanitary products (such as pads, tampons, etc), unopened deodorant and other personal hygiene products, baking products, and supermarket quality non-perishable food items (canned food, dry pasta, cereal, etc).

If you have any questions, you can check the posters which are located all over school (including the drop off locations, stairwells, and in the canteen).

Thank you!
Ameerah, Beatrix, Devin, Emily, Levi, and Yuka

General Welly High's Got Talent HYS
  On Thursday the 22nd August (Wk 5) we will be holding our inaugural talent show "Welly High's Got Talent" at lunchtime in the Riley Centre. Showcase your special talent and sign up using the form in your roopuu Google Classroom. Deadline for signing up is the Friday of Wk 4. Acts need to be 2 minutes long and auditions will take place at lunchtime in the Riley Centre on the Monday and Tuesday of Wk 5.

Students Mathswell Competition - All year levels GEZ
  Can all students who expressed an interest in competing in this years Mathswell competition please attend a quick meeting in M305 at the start of lunchtime this Tuesday 6th August to collect a permission slip and details of the event.

Students NZAMT Senior Maths Competition GEZ
  Entry is free in 2024...!!
This year, we are again running a one-off 90-minute competition on Tuesday 13th August (during NZMaths Week).
The competition will be open to Individuals or Groups of 2 – 3 and will take place at school.
Further details of the location and time of the event will be available closer to the competition day.
Recommended for Year 11 – 13 students, but open to any year levels.
Old competition papers can be found at:
If you are interested in entering please let your maths teacher know by Monday 5th Aug or email

Students Year 12 Assembly on Thursday MNJ
  Please go to the Riley Centre at the beginning of rōpū time