Notices -

Monday 12th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Sport Senior Girls Netball Team Fundraiser School Foyer Fri 9 Aug 1.20pm RHJ
  Attention all students! The Senior Girls Netball team is holding a bake sale this Friday at lunchtime in the foyer. Come along and support the team as they raise funds to compete in the Lower North Island Secondary Tournament in Napier. There will be a delicious variety of baked goods available, and both cash and EFTPOS payments are accepted. Don't miss out on the chance to enjoy some tasty treats and help our team achieve their goals!

Notices Staff
General Flea Market on Wednesday! MEA
  Next week on Wednesday the 14th of August the Wellington High Fem Club is running our annual Flea Market. We will have a raffle valued at over $300 to be won. All profits are going to the Women's Refuge. We are searching for clothing donations of clothing and jewelry to be sold. If you have old clothing please drop it off to R1, as soon as possible!

  This week is MATHS WEEK!!!
Get involved with the daily riddle competition. A new riddle will be posted in each rōpū and you have until the start of the next day to submit your answer. Write it down with your name and rōpū and put it into the riddle box on level 3 by the maths office. A random winner will be drawn each day and there are plenty of delicious prizes to choose from.
Good luck!!

Riddles located here:

General Ruapehu Snow trip PAB
  Urgent meeting of all the students who paid and handed in their form.
When: This Wed at 1.20 in M308
We have a problem with big numbers and have to drop students
Make sure you are there

General Sports and Cultural photos on Thursday TNP
  Sports and cultural photos are on Thursday in the Riley Centre. Please check your photo times on the schedules in the gym and outside the Riley Centre. Bring your full sports uniform to your photo. For summer sports, bring your uniform if it is the same as your winter sport. Otherwise, a uniform will be provided.

General Welly High's Got Talent HYS
  On Thursday the 22nd August (Wk 5) we will be holding our inaugural talent show "Welly High's Got Talent" at lunchtime in the Riley Centre. Showcase your special talent and sign up using the form in your roopuu Google Classroom. Deadline for signing up is the Friday of Wk 4. Acts need to be 2 minutes long and auditions will take place at lunchtime in the Riley Centre on the Monday and Tuesday of Wk 5.

Library BOOK SALE Lunchtime Tuesday 13th MWH
  The Libraries annual Book sale is Tuesday 13th August in the foyer at lunchtime - all books 50 cents everything must go!
Start collecting your coins now!

Library Celebrate School Library Week MWH
  It's School Library Week - come and see us for some fun activities during the week. Will you "risk it for a biscuit"? or take a chance with 'Blind date with a book?

Music & Drama Music Notices HEK
  Junior Jazz_ important meeting at tuesday morning tea for all those keen for junior jazz!
Mon- Big Band
Wed- String Group/Choir
Thursday - Junior Jazz/ Wind Ensemble

Students Scholarship Biology FHI
  Scholarship Biology, starting W4 Wednesday after school in S503, email Ms Forsyth if you want to be added to the google classroom. Please discuss your external entries with your Biology teacher :)