Notices -

Monday 21st of October, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
General Fighting games club COM2 Fri 18 Oct 1:20-2:20 BWJ
  As the end of the year keeps creeping closer we just wanted to give some heads up to the fact that since this club is run mostly by seniors, we won't be providing support to keep the club running once all seniors leave school for exam study. Of course if any juniors want to try and organize it anyway we fully endorse that, and may be able to provide limited help as well, but it will probably be harder as a lot of things get shuffled around this time of year. Thanks for the amazing year and here's to more growth and fun in the years to come!

General Miniature modelling COM2 Fri 18 Oct 1:20-2:20 BWJ
  Have the Turnip 28 armies pretty much finished! Will talk to you about making some boxes for them and put them in the library so you can book them out and take them home to use. The good news about Turnip 28 is you can play a game in an hour so it works at lunch time.

Time to get the Star Wars Legion and Bolt action up and running next.

Library Library closed Monday lunchtime for student Librarian Lunch Library Mon 21 Oct Lunchtime MWH
  The Library is closed at Lunchtime on Monday for our End of Year Student Librarian Lunch

Notices Staff
General Chess every Wednesday lunch in E104 LTH
  All are welcome to come to E104 every Wednesday lunch time to play chess against friends, other students, or staff.

General Code club BWJ
  There is no code club for T4 with seniors leaving and access to COM2 changing due to exams.
There is material on the Google classroom to explore and if you want any specific topics please post on the Google classroom and I will see what I can do.

General D&D club BWJ
  In Term 4 a lot of seniors leave for exams. So we may need to do a reshuffle of some groups.
For those of you looking for a group please post in the Google classroom and we will see what we can help you with.

General Magic the Gathering BWJ
  We are still meeting tiwce a week or by arrangement.
There is 4 decks along with playing mats you can use in the library. Join the google classroom (r3nhx76) and let us know if you want to join us.

General Nepal trip PAB
  Quick meeting in M308 for students who are trekking in Nepal at the beginning of lunch this Wed

General Period products fundraiser PTK
  Hello!! We are a couple of year 11 sociology students doing a fundraiser for Endo Warriors Aotearoa, an organisation that collects period products to help fight period poverty! We will be collecting donations of any unused period products (pads, tampons, diva cups, liners, etc). If you would like to donate to this great cause, there will be a box in the foyer outside the library. We will be collecting donations from the 23rd to the 30th of Oct!

General Pyjama Day TRS
  Pyjama day next Friday (Friday the 25th)!! Bring a gold coin donation and you will be entered into a raffle. Come to the foyer at lunch for a prize for the best pyjamas! All funds raised go towards new bedding for people in poverty (through Downtown Community Ministries). Coins will be collected in rōpū or in the foyer at lunch

General The Flannel Magazine! WBK
  The world famous Flannel magazine is on sale in the foyer at lunch for $5! It is on sale every lunch until it is sold out, so get in fast.

General Year 10 Market Day Thursday 24th Lunch GNT
  Term 4's Market Day is this coming Thursday in the Riley Centre and behind the Library! There will be cookies, ice cream, soft drinks, waffles, popcorn, sausages, water balloons and more! Peep the posters around the school and follow each groups social media accounts for a chance to get exclusive discounts! Cash or card is welcome :)

General Year 10 tramp PAB
  Quick meeting in M310 at beginning of lunch on Monday
This could count as a qualifier for students doing DOE

Sport Futsal Teams & Trainings Times SNJ
  After some slight reshuffling, the finalised team lists for junior and senior futsal can be found in the undercroft!
Games will start next week and fixture lists will be posted at the start of each week, also in the undercroft.
Trainings will also begin next week, with training times found alongside teamlists. Any questions, flick an email to

Sport Sports Awards TNP
  The WHS Sports Awards are on Wednesday. Due to ongoing construction limiting the number of people in the Riley Centre, attendance at the awards ceremony is by invitation only this year. Please check your school email to see if you have received an invitation.

Students Lockers clearance - yr12 and yr13 only TSM
  Could all yr12 & yr13 students who have a locker, please start clearing your locker out and return padlocks to student services - last day for this is Tuesday 29th October. Any lockers not cleared by the last date, will have all items removed and disposed of and any padlocks not returned by then, will also incur a $10 fee for non-returned/lost padlock. Thanks for your co-operation, Student Services