Notices -

Thursday 23rd of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
General Code club COM2 Tue 21 May 3:30-5:30 BWJ
  Looking at Juice shop and CTF's
Looking to build skills to compete in the down under ctf in about 6 weeks

General Miniature modeling COM2 Fri 24 May 1:20-2:20 BWJ
  Assembling and painting miniature models
Games workshop, Star wars legion, Bolt action, Full tilt knights, Turnip 28....

If you have any of the 'kill team' mini's can you please bring them back so we can play some games.
We are missing one kreiger and four orcs, the bomb squig and the grot.

Notices Staff
General D&D club BWJ
  Hey soon we will be sending out a form for everybody to fill out. This form will ask if you are currently in a campaign, if you are a DM or a player etc. This is because we have had several people who have either lost their DM or have joined after first pickings who still want to play! Please can everybody fill this out (when it comes out). We have had an influx of new books that generous Mr Barrow has released for everybody so don't forget to check them out!

Also with the weekly homebrew, I'll begin to hopefully get back to that soon enough. I have had several exams and other problems that have led to me not releasing any new material. If anybody has any requests or even additons for the next article you can contact my gmail!

Remember we are always looking for more DMs... please, I am very desperate.

General Year 9 tramp this weekend PAB
  Lots of students going so it will be a good idea to bring a tent and or a bed roll.
If you don;t have one, all good as there will be enough beds for everyone but I would suggest that you bring ear plugs
If you need a pack, you need to see me today in M303
See you in the school car park at 11 this Sat. There should be enough transportation to get the whole group to the start of the track.

Music & Drama Music Rehearsals this week HEK
  Mon- Big Band
Tues-Big Band
Wed - String Group & Choir
Thursday - Junior Jazz & Wind Ensemble
Frid - Year 9 Rock Band

Students Senior Ball 2024 FHI
  Year 12/13 students, Reminder that in order to be approved to buy a ball ticket you MUST have filled out the form that came out last week, this is the official form. Thanks Y13 Deans.

Students Socialist Club LNA
  The slogan is "From each according to their ability to each according to their need." meaning when one of us wins, everyone wins; when one of us struggles, everyone helps. In Socialist club, we all share our lunch so nobody gets a better lunch than anyone else. However, we do have to keep the classroom clean because other people use the classroom.

It's on Wednesdays at lunch time in Rātā 1. See you there.